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Telchemy's Real Time "Expert" Analysis Technology Added to Finisar's VoIP Network Monitoring and Analysis Products

Finisar Corporation announced that it has entered into an agreement with Telchemy for Telchemy to provide VoIP diagnostic technology for Finisar's line of VoIP Monitoring and Analysis products. Telchemy's patent-pending real-time technology automatically provides critical insight into the root cause and location of network impairments affecting VoIP network quality.

"We are very pleased that Finisar, a recognized leader in network and protocol analysis, is extending their relationship with us for VoIP management technology," said Bob Massad, Vice President of Marketing at Telchemy. "Finisar's endorsement of our technology demonstrates its powerful capability and how important it is for network and service managers to have active assistance and direction from their management tools and not to have those tools simply provide more data," added Massad.

Telchemy's real-time expert analysis technology monitors streams of voice or video packets and recognizes the signatures of specific network impairments such as LAN congestion or route flapping in real time. This saves network and service managers from countless hours of data interpretation and trial and error problem solving to find what are often transient network problems The real-time analysis technology is an extension to VQmon, Telchemy's non-intrusive voice quality monitoring technology that is used in Finisar's MultiQoS multimedia traffic analysis product. VQmon is a family of lightweight, computationally efficient, embedded voice quality software agents that can accurately monitor all calls made over V2oIP networks in real-time.

"We understand that network and service Managers want to know if there is a problem, what it is, where it is, and how to fix it -- immediately," said Bob Otis, Vice President of Engineering for Finisar. "They have real concerns about VoIP session quality as they roll-out consolidated multimedia networks. They require tools to help them get those networks up quickly and keep them up, at high quality of service, with minimum cost and difficulty. By adding Telchemy's unique technologies to our MultiQoS tool, we powerfully augment our current rich set of capabilities satisfying these requirements of multimedia network managers." Added Otis, "We look forward to our partnership with Telchemy, leading to a series of significant new product enhancements related to both Voice and Video over IP."

With addition of Telchemy technology, Finisar extends its lead in the technology of monitoring and measuring VoIP network Quality of Service. The Finisar THGs family of full-line rate data acquisition tools and Surveyor Network Analysis software provides the VoIP protocol and network analysis capability, enhanced by call QoS metrics from VQmon.

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